Monday, May 11, 2009

Pierced Ears

My poor, sweet, unsuspecting little princess.

Brynlee keeping a close eye on the ear piercing. She was trying to talk Steph into letting her get her ears pierced even after watching Brooklyn get hers done.


Last week, I took Brooklyn into Logan and got her ears pierced. It wasn't nearly as traumatic as I had thought it might be. She cried for just a second and then was fine. She has played and laughed ever since like it never happened. We got her birthstones for her earrings and they are so cute.

Bath Time Babies

Brooklyn absolutely loves her bath time. We went and spent four days at Stephanie's and while we were there she loved playing in the tub with her cousin Hallie who is about ten months older than Brooklyn.


I attempted to make my first ever cheesecake, from scratch that is. It was for my sister, Stephanie's birthday. She wouldn't let me take pictures of her, but I do have some of the yummy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake I made. I would say it was a definite success.

The Birthday Boy

My dad's birthday was on April 17th. I tried to fix him his favorite dinner but he said he wanted whatever was easiest, maybe a bowl of cold cereal. I did, however, make his favorite, angel food cake. He is so giving and always thinking of others, even when the day is all about him. I love my dad and the great example he has always been to me. He has taught me more than he will ever know. I look back and always think, I wish I would have listened to him more often. He was always right when giving advice, although I didn't listen due to my complete stubbornness! I love you dad! You are the best the best a girl could ever ask for!

Weekend at the Wakefield's

Cole is always a big help when we go to his parents house, but he is also a turd and wouldn't let me take a picture of him. So all I have is this goofy one. Ha ha the joke's on you Cole!!

It's been about a month ago, but we spent a weekend at Cole's parents' house to try and help Dan (Cole's dad) out after his neck surgery and to let them see how Brooklyn is growing so fast. She loved every minute of it. Brooklyn loved their dog Gunner and would kick and giggle every time he got near her. We had so much fun visiting and getting out of town.

Best Friends

Brooklyn loves when her cousin Bodee (Ryan's little boy) comes up to play with her. She tries so hard to keep up with him and wants to be able to run along just like he does. Bodee is so cute with her I just love it when they can get together.